Healthy Fats & Simple Ways to Add Healthy Fats to Your Meal

Healthy Fats & Simple Ways to Add Healthy Fats to Your Meal

If you have dry skin, hair loss, and joints popping when you walk down the stairs, chances are you might be deficient in healthy fats. 

If you want to know more about how to incorporate healthy fats into your meals and avoid unhealthy fats with easy-to-prepare meals keep watching the video.

 It gets very confusing to choose the right kind of oils when the store shelves are filled with options. All fats have been demonized. But we tend to forget that Fat is one of the three macronutrients- carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Not all fats are bad and cause heart diseases. Protein and carbohydrates both have 4 calories per gram and fats have 9 calories which means fat is the highest caloric food and needs to be consumed in moderation.

Benefits Of Consuming Good Fats

Good Fats provide lasting energy to perform day-to-day functions. The right kinds of fat help to produce hormones, manage hunger symptoms, process fat-soluble vitamins, padding organs, and energy metabolism, control inflammation, and also lubricate our skin, joints, and hair follicles.

Some of the good fats are nuts and seeds:

  • Almonds, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, pecans, and sesame seeds.
  • Cooking Oils- Avocado oils, EVCO, EVOL/ expeller pressed.
  • Some saturated fats that come naturally in wild fish like sardines, wild salmons, pasture-raised eggs, butter, ghee, and milk products from pasture-raised cows.

Bad fats

Some of the highly processed vegetable oils are canola oil, peanut oil, corn oil, and sunflower oil. These are found in all the store-bought snacks, chips, and highly fried food. 

Other special kinds of fat called Trans-fats are hydrogenated to solidify liquid vegetable fat to solid at room temperature, which is known to cause damage to our arteries.  Cresco picture 

Fat Intake

Ideal intake of fats should be from 20% to 35 to 40% depending on your body type and the kind of diet you enjoy.

How you can incorporate healthy fats in your meals:

Breakfast– Overnight Chia pudding with grass-fed milk or nuts milk- nuts and seeds

Lunch/ Dinner Baked salmon or can Sardines Salad.

Option: Recipe for making Ghee, Yogurt, 

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